Friday Night Funkin' Redux (MOD) » Devlog
As you know, Friday Night Funkin' Redux has a twitter (go follow btw), and recently, we got accused by a person of the name:
Mark (stuffed_full)

First of all, I would like to mention- these are not even proper accusations with no proof AT ALL. And other things I would also like to mention as well will be further in this statement article against Mark (stuffed_full) who does not have any proof against me (KaturiGTP).
I originally hired Mark back in April 19, 2021, that's so early for this project. There was only me working and brainstorming a project. I initially hired Mark for the VS. Doraemon Mod,

We both didn't talk for a couple of weeks maybe after our encounter. He said he was currently working on a different mod, and was a bit busy, but he'll do what I asked. I said I'll talk to him a few weeks later, he agreed, we went our seperate ways. I later contacted him back, saying the following messages:

As you can see, I hired mark, even when he understands he will no longer be needed or wanted on the team. I have asked mark in the Redux Dev Server for a few updates, he never got back to me. He always somewhat messed around, shitposted, never really did anything properly for us. He did start doing the MENU BG, but he never even finished it. I asked for an update in his DMs, he never got back to me, again, ghosting me. I later then, abruptedly said in his DMs that he might be fired, because Redux was a bit crowded now.

So you see, even after I gave him the fire notice, he wanted to still STAY. Clearly not what he said in his own tweets.

In the Redux Dev Server, me and 2 staff members got in a bit of a fight with each other, and they both ended up leaving the project. Mark, later after the situation, said this to me:

Clearly, even after he just insulted my project, I said if he needs me, he can DM me. He clearly states: Ok, That wont be happening
There, is a reason why I blocked Mark in the first place. First of all, he likes to shitpost a lot of stuff, and he's also been annoying on one hand, I did not want him DMing me again, because why would I need more insults and useless things clouding up my mentions on Discord? I don't! So I said you won't mind me blocking you then. He somehow made it out of his own way, to send full hate against me. I literally, have never wronged this man. I have just gave him a firing notice, he has a chance to quit ANY TIME, but he wanted to stay, that's his fault there. You do have to realize, this is just a mod, this isn't like some sort of organization cult or something.

1st Picture Statement: If he standed his ground, why didn't he do that earlier? Why does he want to send hate to us now? We're trying to just make an enjoyable mod for people to play, making it the best it can be.
2nd Picture: First of all, there is no proof from "our opinion", and second of all, the statement of saying I cannot run a mod for the life of them, that is total bullshit. Why? Ever since the two associates left and Mark, I have tried to improve how we work and everything, evidence:

Who's the "they" in the conversation me and Zagan are having? It's the two associates and Mark that left. My composer, Zagan, doesn't talk regularly in our Dev server, but even he has seen the drastic improvement of how we work now.
Now, this is an open and shut case, Mark has no evidence to back himself up. Never had any.
I have discussed this with many, what are their opinions and others. Apparently, others are starting to notice, saying we had drama or something. People started noticing like our project, but in a bad-way due to Mark's bullshit, with no proof. I had to describe to a person to convince them what Mark said isn't true, that everybody needs to hear the two sides of the story. Oh sorry, I meant one side, I have the proof, Mark does not, all he's doing is insulting me.

So, basically, the case is shut now, Mark's finished, right? Yeah no, not exactly. There's a second case I'd like to regard about just in case this comes up again.
Second Case: BrightFyre And Hexar

As you can see, BrightFyre and hexar liked the tweet about Mark's bullshit. Zagan is pretty much joking in this situation, so dw about it. I have brung this up to hexar in our conversation.

From the picture up there, I got a notification that hexar and BrightFyre liked the tweet. I clearly was joking, with even the /j saying "fck you" And the drop in a hole part was clearly just for like, no hard feelings, aight? Because he liked the tweet. Clearly, there was some hard feelings.

Again, the fuck you is a joke, because from the "drop in a hole part"

I self-admitted in the situation it was a joke, so I wanted to imply that I gave no hard feelings, and he shouldn't either.

As you can see, hexar is tired, but here's the twist, he's tired from NOTHING. He has no work currently assigned to him, Coding does not even begin until Mid-June, I have asked him some questions, but he was seriously bothered by it and found it annoying, because he may think I'm underestimating him. I am just trying to ensure that we don't forget anything, and we can properly do this mod. And me responding to what he said, I was considerate, and I did eradicate the idea that he didn't like, since it was actually hard to do. I tried to resolve the situation in DMs, it clearly didn't work.

As you can see- I was trying to sort out his issues with me, but he kept avoiding the problem. I said I'll accept whatever he says, he clearly didn't help the situation, only running from it, making it far worse.

From this picture here, you can see I was trying to sort things out and improve myself from his criticism, he didn't say anything, and just tried to outright insult me. I told him, if he wants me to become a better mod director, he needs to go more indepth and SPEAK UP.
Even after that small speech, he still didn't speak up.

The people accusing against me are literally in some Time Machine who went back 5 weeks ago, and is still there today, reflecting on the past. Hexar's statements are currently invalid due to him not actually being active half the time, and actually quit on us before, just because he got bored of "fnf modding", I said he can rejoin if he wishes. He rejoined, he didn't catch up a whole lot of stuff, and was never assigned work yet. He was only treated with questions that basically underestimated him, but if given a past question that is hard, like the Daddy Dearest thing he said, he clearly protested against me. There is no solution with this. Hexar does have bad history as well with an associate of mine, but even after his bad history, I still actually accepted him back. He and BrightFyre are both discussing something invalid against Redux.
Now about BrightFyre, I have recruited him a while back, I didn't show him much because it was at April 30th, so there wasn't much things to impress him by. He then started giving off a vibe of annoyance, like he didn't wanna be there anymore because he asked for assets for Pico's custom s------- animations and I said we haven't finished those yet.

He did give a statement saying how was he supposed to know when we started, that was on my fault, because I should've told him, but he shouldn't have assumed for the Pico custom sprites. Plus, he actually didn't even need those assets, I don't know why he asked for them. I was just describing our plan, he wasn't even assigned a task or anything yet, and he wanted to see the Pico sprites which have nothing related to code. He then started ghosting me.

It would be clear his statement with hexar would also be invalid after a month's absence. I immedietly assumed he quit after a week later. When I recruited hexar, he was saying his friend knows how to code better than him, then he said, "oh, you already recruited my friend" who was BrightFyre, so it was pretty clear that either BrightFyre's basic assumptions for the statement that hexar spoke for him was invalid, or hexar was actively speaking about Redux to BrightFyre and its negative qualities about my overworking which has changed over time, they both do not represent proper proof against me, showing Mark's, BrightFyre's, and hexar's statements are completely null and bullshit.
Do not believe everything you see and hear first. You need proof and evidence and two sides of the story. AT least with one story valid. No hard feelings to hexar or BrightFyre, just brang up the second case incase you used it against me. Do not attack anybody you see in this article, but do not support Mark either
Friday Night Funkin' Redux (MOD)
Status | In development |
Author | KaturiGTP |
Genre | Rhythm, Adventure |
Tags | 2D, mods, Singleplayer |
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